Wall Street liked what it heard from Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang’s keynote at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. During the Monday night event, Huang revealed new gaming chips for PCs utilizing the company’s Blackwell architecture known as the GeForce RTX 50 series. He also touted Nvidia’s Cosmos foundation platform for creating physical artificial intelligence use cases such as autonomous vehicles and robots. The news led Nvidia shares to a record high Tuesday before they moved lower for the day. “We highlight NVDA’s continued dominance in genAI compute and ecosystem, quickly expanding from the cloud all the way to enterprise and consumers,” wrote Bank of America’s Vivek Arya, reiterating his buy rating and the stock as a top sector pick. Wells Fargo analyst Aaron Rakers highlighted commentary from Huang related to the company’s Blackwell chip being in “full production” as a positive for investors following recent concerns of production delays resulting from some design issues. Rakers has an overweight rating on shares and a $185 price target, which implies more than 23% upside. Goldman Sachs analyst Toshiya Hari also offered up a bullish view on the stock post-CES, highlighting Huang’s remarks on Physical AI and a “ChatGPT moment” for robotics. He believes that strides in this industry could expand the buildout for AI infrastructure and help ease any Blackwell-related concerns. “With Blackwell in full production, scaling laws alive and well … and the major hyperscalers still in a competitive arms race, we remain bullish on the near- to medium-term earnings growth outlook for Nvidia,” he wrote. Hari maintained his buy rating on the conviction list stock, with his $165 price target implying 10% upside from Monday’s close. The stock is already up 11% less than a week into 2025. NVDA YTD mountain Shares in 2025 Elsewhere, Stifel’s Ruben Roy called the updates from Nvidia “significant,” but unlikely to largely impact the firm’s financial modeling. “We view these developments as further deepening the company’s competitive moat and positioning around potentially multi-billion dollar advancements tied to AI agents, robotics, autonomous vehicles, graphics and PC and edge-device inferences in the coming years,” he said. Roy has a buy rating on the stock.