With the August sell-off fading from view and the U.S. presidential election still more than a month away, this may be the right time for investors to buy some protection against volatility, according to Goldman Sachs. The Cboe Volatility Index , or VIX, fell below 16 on Monday and is now flirting with its lowest level since the July doldrums. The index, often called Wall Street’s “fear gauge,” is a measure of expected volatility over the next 30-days based on market pricing of S & P 500 options. Its current level is a stark retreat from the 65 mark the…
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Veteran impact investors expressed interest in the ‘missing middle’ of climate finance to maximise their impact and scale climate solutions at PEI Group’s Responsible Investment Forum: West earlier this month. “We’re noticing a funding gap in the ‘missing middle’ – specifically at the pre-commercial demonstration, first-of-a-kind projects and early commercial deployment stage,” said Kunal Doshi, chief investment officer and partner at Accelerate Investment Group, an investment manager for family offices and foundations. “It’s the gap where venture capital runs out of steam and infrastructure and private equity feel comfortable investing. We [at Accelerate] are focusing a lot more of our…
Critical Raw Materials (CRM) like lithium, nickel, cobalt, copper, manganese, graphite and rare earth elements are crucial for renewable energy technologies like solar panels, wind turbines and for battery production, driving the global shift to electrification. Yet with surging demand, geopolitical uncertainties affecting supply, and significant environmental and social impacts linked to CRM extraction and use, all five United Nations Regional Commissions and international experts have called at COP28 for international coordination and urgent action to ensure that massive CRM expansion does not undermine sustainable development. UNECE Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean highlighted: “Delivering the decarbonization needed for the Paris Agreement…
Boeing said Monday it made a “best and final offer” to striking union machinists that includes bigger raises and larger bonuses than a proposed contract that was overwhelmingly rejected.The company said the offer includes pay raises of 30% over four years, up from the rejected 25% raises.The new offer — and labeling it a final one — demonstrates Boeing’s eagerness to end the strike by about 33,000 machinists that began Sept. 13. The company introduced rolling furloughs of non-unionized employees last week to cut costs during the strike.The strikers face their own financial pressure to return to work. They received…
(Reuters) -Stellantis said on Monday it has begun a search for a candidate to succeed CEO Carlos Tavares, whose contract is set to expire in 2026. The automaker, however, added there was still a possibility of Tavares staying on longer. Tavares has been under pressure to correct the automaker’s struggling North American operations, with record falls in sales and profit that have sent the company’s share price tumbling. Tavares, who is an avid race car driver, was named top boss in 2021 and has been a part of several automakers including Renault (EPA:), PSA and Nissan (OTC:). Chrysler-parent Stellantis (NYSE:)’…
Authors: Erin Leonard and Maggie MonastWith more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after its release, methane is one of the most potent greenhouse gasses. One major contributor to global methane is livestock operations — 32% of methane emissions from human activity come from livestock and animal agriculture.The good news is that methane’s massive warming potential also creates an opportunity for a big and rapid impact if we can mitigate those emissions. To avoid the worst effects of climate change, we need to rapidly lower livestock methane emissions, a process that requires…
In a year marked by significant volatility, XOS Inc. has seen its shares tumble to a 52-week low, with the stock price touching $4.62. The electric vehicle company, which specializes in commercial vehicles, has faced a challenging market environment, contributing to a stark 1-year change with a decline of -55.28%. Investors have shown concern over the company’s performance amidst a broader industry downturn, which has seen many EV-related stocks retreat from their previous highs. The 52-week low represents a critical juncture for XOS as it navigates through the headwinds of supply chain issues and competitive pressures. In other recent news,…
Eleven new companies have joined the Rise Ahead Pledge, bringing the total number of signatories to 24, collectively addressing the $1.1 trillion funding need in social innovation.A new report emphasizes the importance of using advanced technologies like AI for social innovation, highlighting it as one of the key avenues for collaboration between companies and social innovators under the pledge.By January 2025, pledge signatories will quantify their investments in social innovation, underscoring their commitment to measurable impact and long-term value creation.What happens when 24 companies decide to take a stance on social innovation? You get a growing movement steadily reshaping how…
Apollo has offered to invest up to $5 billion, while Qualcomm is eyeing a takeover Source link